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Health Care Reform


The new health care reform legislation has and will cause many changes to the health insurance industry. If you have any questions, check the web site links below or feel free to call us for clarification. We will give you our best interpretation of the law. You may also want to talk to your accountant and/or attorney for more information.


Please understand that all of this information is subject to change! Select a link below for details on health care reform changes by year.


Changes for 2010


Changes for 2011


Changes for 2012-2013


Changes for 2014


Crawford County 20/20 Roundtable PowerPoint Presentation 6-5-2013


Other links of interest:


Summary of Potential Employer Penalties Under PPACA


Model Exchange Notice for Employers who offer health coverage


Model Exchange Notice for Employers who do not offer health coverage


 If you want more information regarding how your carrier is interpreting these, go to your Carriers website.